Sunday, 31 January 2021

In our project, our students prepared logos and posters with canva  and postermywall web2 tools and democratically selected a logo and poster among their works for the general voting. The logo and poster of our project will be determined with the general voting to be held in the first week of February. 

Canan Avan Zengin/ŞehitTuranKurtSecondarySchool- January Activities


We made our project presentation in January and added partners from different countries to our project. The partners had the opportunity to get to know each other by making our teacher-student and school introductions. We used different web tools while making our introductions. 

We held an online meeting with our students and introduced both the project activities and the web tools they can use. They created their own avatars by using Voki. They also used design tools such as canva and postermywall for the logo and poster works of our project. They uploaded these works they created to the Padlet tool, which we can call the digital bulletin board.

We first voted on the logos and posters prepared by our students in our own school and submitted our logo-poster to the general vote. All of our students and teachers in our project voted using the Google form tool.

It was a great experience for our students to learn new people and new web tools.

Rosa La Placa Students from ICS Traina


Friday, 29 January 2021

Ali Hikmet Paşa Secondary School/ Serhan Arı While preparing Logo and Poster

Ali Hikmet Paşa Secondary School/ Serhan Arı team prepared logos and posters by using Canva and Postermywall web2 tools.

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Ali Hikmet Paşa Secondary School /Serhan Arı Second Webinar for Teachers

 We made our second Webinar on Twinspace adobe connect. We introduced ourselves. We talked about our thoughts. We made brainstorming. We talked about our activites. We shared informations about Canva,Postermywall and Voki web2 tools.

Friday, 15 January 2021

How to be a writer in our blog / Ali Hikmet Paşa Secondary School / Serhan Arı

 Hi Everybody ! 

We have a blog page about our project. Time For Fun ! means sharing, learning and having fun...

How to be a writer in our blog...

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Ali Hikmet Paşa Secondary School / Serhan Arı First Meeting

We made our first meeting and have chance to introduce ourselves. We started to share our opinions.

Our Project


It’s a long-term project. It’s an attractive extension and enrichment of curriculum of English lesson with the support of various Web 2.0 tools and with collaboration with partners from European schools.

    Our aim is to encourage the students,to improve their skills in English and to take an interest in learning English.We want students to learn English with fun. Our students will learn better when they have fun and create their own learning materials.These activities will be issued online via Web 2.0 tools.Different subjects will be involved.We will record videos, create learning materials, posters, blogs,online quizes, have video conferences,share materials on Twinspace, disseminate and evaluate the project by working collaboratively.

Thanks to all our partners and their students...

 We became a really good team in Time For Fun via eTwinning...